Teaching Abigail & John
Congratulations on taking an active role in your student’s education. We are pleased to help you on this journey by providing you with this supplemental curriculum packet, to be used in conjunction with the book Abigail & John by David Bruce Smith and illustrated by Clarice Smith.
In this packet you will find a variety of activities and assessments designed to strengthen critical-thinking skills, deepen content knowledge, and spark a love and appreciation for our nation’s history.
Curriculum Activities for Abigail & John
Click to Download
For in-depth pedagogical strategies and approaches using these activities in a classroom or at home, please view the free instructional video.
“Abigail & John” Animated by the
Museum of the American Revolution
Explore the interactive version of Abigail & John, the story of one of America’s most celebrated historical couples, written by David Bruce Smith alongside original illustrations by his mother Clarice Smith.
“Abigail & John” Interactive
Click to Watch
“Abigail & John” Digital Book
by WETA’s Reading Rockets

Reading Rockets is pleased to offer this digital version of Abigail & John.
“Abigail & John” Digital
Click to Read
Humanities in Class Online Course: Abigail & John Adams
This course builds on the book Abigail & John by David Bruce Smith (with illustrations by Clarice Smith) and is intended for elementary and middle school instructors. Course Details and Registration >